Basic Virtual Box Setup
Download the eeepc version of Android from Google following this guys instructions.Here is the summary of the Oracle Virtual Box Settings I used:
- Name: "name for this instance"
- Operating system: Linux
- Version: Other Linux
- Add eeepc.iso image as cd rom device
- Attached to: Bridged Adapter
- Name: etho
- Adapter Type PCnet-FASTIII (AM79C973)
- Check Enable USB Controler
Allowing USB devices requires that you add your user account to "vboxusers" as root with
usermod -a -G vboxusers username
then log out and back in again!Start the virtual box and let Android boot.
Brining up Networking
Ronubo has a good guide, here is the summaryBring up a terminal prompt in Android (there's one there somewhere).
Bring up the interface with:
- netcfg eth0 dhcp # brings up eth0 and gets dhcp address
- route add default gw dev eth0
- setprop net.dns1 # Nubo DNS1
- setprop net.dns2 # Nubo DNS2
- setprop net.dns3 # Google DNS
If you've completed the above you should be able to browse the net
Here's a hint alt+F1 and alt+F7 toggle terminal window/ gui
If Android goes to sleep its hard to wake up. From Virtual box send the shutdown signal, then use the mouse to unlock the device (wierd)
Unfortunately none of this can be saved if you stop the machine, I suggest taking a snapshot at some point and use that (untested).
Setting up ADB Connection
On the Linux host – connect to ADB as follows:On this example, our Android IP address is , ADB server runs on port 5555 (by default), so in order to connect to the target via adb we do this on the Linux host:
adb connect
After that the Eclipse environment should be able to download and debug using the Virtual box environment.
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